Sunday, December 30, 2007

What the Fuck is Happening to the Times?

Why have they hired this nutcase?

Cleveland is Dying!

I was home in Cleveland for the holidays and spent a little time walking around downtown.  How depressing, there seemed to be nothing but empty storefronts and torn up roads.  And now the Cleveland Athletic Club is closing, a victim of the declining economy and the stupid Euclid Avenue road renovation.  I spent many happy years there as a child and was a member most of the time I lived in Cleveland as an adult.  Another venerable Cleveland institution bites the dust!

Friday, December 7, 2007

No Biggie Really ...

Have you been reading the news about that silly NIE report, claiming that Iran has suspended trying to acquire nukes? Don't worry, it's no biggie. We can still go to war!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

This Is Some Scary Shit!

Have you seen this?

I'm ashamed to be an American (not just) today.  Do people realize that the rights so many people lost their lives defending, rights that we're supposedly advancing in Iraq, don't even exist in this country anymore?  Does anyone care?