Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Truth About Hillary and Healthcare Reform

I'm always amazed by the virulent hatred of Hillary Clinton. I mean, I guess I can understand it a little bit because my lip automatically curls whenever I hear Bush's voice, someone says his name, I read an article about him, I see a bush, someone says "I love you a bushel and a peck", you get the picture.

It's somewhat similar with the Hillary haters, but they hate her already, before she's even elected. They hate her laugh, she's too smart in an a smarty-pants kind of way, her hairdos are ugly, she's bug-eyed, she dresses badly, whatever. Do these people have Mommy issues and Hillary is their overbearing Mama surrogate? Sadly, she's a very smart, capable woman who can't seem to win no matter what she does. People don't want substance, they want vague rhetoric about hope and transcending the political process. Look at history people, when has that worked? Remember Bush's (my lip is curling) promises to work with Republicans and Democrats and usher in an era of "Compassionate Comservatism", how did that work out? When things are in the crapper like they are now, we need a strong leader with experience who can surround herself with good people and get things moving on day one.

Now that you've made it through my rant, let's get to the point. One thing about Hillary that does seem to stick in peoples' craws is that she screwed up healthcare reform. Read this long, but very interesting article, and you'll see she got a bum rap. And maybe you'll take another look at my choice for the next President. Oh course, nobody actually reads this blog, but you never know ;-)

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